What to Eat and What to Avoid While Wearing Braces

what to eat and what to avoid while wearing braces

Dental braces, while immensely beneficial for aligning and straightening teeth, bring with them a set of considerations—particularly regarding dietary choices. 

The foods you consume can have a profound impact on the effectiveness of braces and the health of your teeth during this orthodontic journey. 

By understanding the nuances of braces, you can ensure a smoother and more efficient teeth-straightening experience.

Braces are intricate devices used in orthodontics to correct misaligned teeth and jaws. They consist of brackets attached to the teeth, connected by wires, which exert gentle pressure to gradually move teeth into the desired position. 

While the ultimate objective is aesthetic enhancement and functional improvement, the journey requires meticulous care.

Why Food Choices Matter with Braces

Braces, due to their design, can trap food particles between the wires and teeth. Not only can this lead to plaque buildup and dental issues, but certain foods can also damage the braces themselves. The right food choices can prevent potential damage and foster optimal oral hygiene.

What Happens if You Eat the Wrong Foods?

Consuming inappropriate foods can lead to an array of complications. Sticky or hard foods can dislodge the brackets, bend the wires, or even break the braces. 

Furthermore, sugary foods can cause decalcification, leading to white spots on the teeth—a phenomenon that might become permanent.

First Days with Braces: What to Expect

It’s not uncommon for individuals to experience a modicum of discomfort or sensitivity during the initial days post braces installation. This sensation is a testament to the fact that the braces have commenced their work.

During this initial phase, it’s prudent to opt for softer foods to alleviate discomfort and prevent potential damage to the newly-installed braces. 

Examples include mashed potatoes, yogurt, soups, scrambled eggs, and smoothies. These gentler foods can provide nourishment without putting undue pressure on your teeth or braces.

Read Also: How to Straighten Teeth Without Traditional Braces

Foods You Can Freely Enjoy

Navigating dietary choices while wearing braces doesn’t have to be an odious task. There are plenty of foods that are both enjoyable and safe for your orthodontic appliances. Below are some options you can relish without apprehension:

  • Soft fruits like bananas, melons, and berries are easy on your bones and offer essential nutrients.
  • Cooked vegetable options like steamed carrots or boiled potatoes are not only healthy but also braces-friendly.
  • Soft grains like rice, quinoa, and cooked pasta are excellent options.
  • Dairy products like yoghurt, soft cheese, and milk are nutrient-rich and easy to eat.
  • Soft Proteins Tender cuts of meat, tofu, and fish that flake easily are advisable.
  • Eggs: scrambled, poached, or boiled, eggs are versatile and safe for braces.
  • Smoothies, A blend of fruits and yoghurt can be both satisfying and painless on the teeth.
  • Soups and stews Opt for those with softer chunks of vegetables or meats.

Foods to Completely Avoid

Contrastingly, there are foods that pose a clear and present danger to the structural integrity of your braces and should be evaded:

  • Hard Foods: 


Nuts and popcorn, along with other hard foods like raw carrots, can result in brackets popping off or wires bending. They can also make you more susceptible to cavities if food particles get lodged in your braces.

  • Sticky Foods

Sticky substances like caramel and gum can become entangled with braces, posing a risk for dislodging brackets or getting trapped between wires and teeth, thus making cleaning a formidable task.

  • Chewy Foods


Items like bagels and tough meats can be cumbersome to chew, putting undue pressure on the brackets and wires. Such strain can potentially warp your orthodontic apparatus.

  • Crunchy Snacks

Crisp foods like chips or pretzels may seem harmless but can cause untold damage to braces by chipping away at the adhesive or bending the delicate wires.

  • Corn on the Cob


 Eating corn straight from the cob can easily dislodge brackets or bend wires, making it a food item to be consumed cautiously and ideally removed from the cob before eating.

  • Whole Fruits

While fruits are generally good, biting directly into whole fruits like apples or pears can put immense pressure on the front brackets. Always cut them into manageable slices.

  • Tough Meats

Tough Meats

Steaks, pork chops, and other meats that require a lot of chewing should be replaced with softer, more tender cuts to avoid putting too much pressure on your braces.

  • Sugar-Loaded Foods

Foods rich in sugar, like cookies and cakes, not only contribute to potential weight gain but can also lead to dental plaque formation and dental caries if trapped in the braces.

Read Also: Flossing with Braces: Complete Guide for a Healthy Smile

Drinks: What to Sip and What to Skip

  • Safe Beverages

Water remains the quintessential drink for those with braces—hydrating and devoid of sugars or acids that could harm teeth. Milk and unsweetened teas are also safe choices, offering hydration and nourishment without jeopardizing oral health.

  • Beverages to Avoid

Sugary sodas, energy drinks, and certain citrus juices are veritable nemeses for those wearing braces. The sugars and acids in these beverages can lead to plaque formation and erode enamel. If consumed, it’s imperative to rinse the mouth with water and practice thorough dental hygiene thereafter. 

best dental clinic in Denver


Navigating the realm of dietary choices with braces doesn’t have to be a daunting endeavor. By adhering to specific guidelines and maintaining regular consultations with affordable dentistry in Littleton colorado, you can enjoy a satisfying and nutritious diet while ensuring the optimal functionality and longevity of your orthodontic apparatus. Don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule your appointment with the best dentist in Littleton today for personalized advice and care!


Whether you’re a child getting braces for the first time or an adult seeking alignment, the expertise provided by your kids & Adult Dental Clinic can be invaluable. 

Making prudent dietary decisions while undergoing orthodontic treatment is an investment in your future smile, one that promises both aesthetic and functional rewards.

  • Can I chew gum with braces?

Chewing gum is generally not recommended while wearing braces. The sticky texture can adhere to the brackets and wires, making it challenging to remove and posing a risk for dislodging the apparatus.

  • Do I need to cut out all snacks?

Snacking is permissible as long as you opt for braces-friendly options. Instead of chips or candies, you can go for soft fruits, yogurt, or even a smoothie.

  • Can I eat ice cream with braces?

Yes, ice cream is soft and doesn’t pose a threat to your braces. However, avoid flavors with hard mix-ins like nuts or caramel chunks.

  • What if a bracket pops off while eating?

If a bracket becomes loose or pops off, it’s important to contact your orthodontist as soon as possible to have it fixed. In the interim, avoid chewing on the affected side.


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