How Poor Nutrition Negatively Affects Oral Health?

poor nutrition

What we eat is reflected not only in our daily lives but also in our mouths! Our mouth is the first point of contact between the food we take and our body. Therefore, eating the right food is important for general health and the health of the teeth and gums.

When we are poorly nourished, the first signs often appear in the mouth. It is no secret that dental diseases have a detrimental effect on childhood and old age quality of life.

Oral diseases are an expensive burden on health care services. The treatment for treating cavities is expensive in both developed and developing countries.

It may cost between 5 and 10% of total health care expenses in developed countries surpassing the charges for treating cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and osteoporosis. In low-income, underdeveloped countries, caries rates are high and over 90% of cases are untreated.

Also Read: Amazing Benefits of Flossing your Teeth

Painful oral infections affect numerous Americans every month. According to the CDC report, 90% of adults in the United States living today have at least one cavity and show signs of dental problems. 

All these oral diseases mainly depend upon one’s lifestyle. We should make confident life choices today to help maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for countless years to come.

A balanced diet containing all the five food groups- carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals with 2-3 liter of water daily is the secret to a healthy dental set.

Teeth and gums need nourishment to stay strong and proper development. Healthy foods help prevent tooth loss, infection and other gum diseases.

How Poor Diet Leads to Tooth Decay

A low nutritious diet is a leading cause of gum disease and tooth decay. If you are eating too much sugary food it can cause your teeth to develop cavities or eventually fall out.

But there are several other types of foods and drinks that we should consume with caution.

The Worst Foods for Your Teeth That you Should be Avoiding

1. Sugary Foods

Caramelized or sugary candies, chewing gums, sour bites, gummies, taffies and cotton candy are harmful, yet, kids are raising a war for them. Another surprising fact, even fruit juice and cough syrups are usually filled with refined sugar.

These sticks to our teeth and leads to tooth decay- a condition that can be serious for those with poor nutrition. It’s best advised to avoid soft and sweet foods that stick to your teeth.

2. Carbonated Drinks

The top-grossing source of excess sugar in the diet consumed by kids and teens is carbonated drinks. Soda and energy drinks aren’t good for our teeth and overall health due to their high sugar content.

Many of these manufactured drinks are loaded with phosphoric and citric acids, which attack and disrupt the tooth enamel.

Also Read: 3 Simple Dentistry Tips For Healthy Smiles

3. Starchy Foods

Starchy foods bond to stick on and in between our teeth. In addition, foods high in carbohydrates act like sugar and severely affect your dental set. 

4. Citrus Foods

The packed fruits, juices, and wine usually contain different acids. It is not considered a healthy option and exposes your teeth to a dangerous amount of acid, eroding the enamel and affecting the dentine over time.

This is the main reason many people have become prone to developing decay and cavities.

5. Hard Foods

Food that acts hard on our teeth should be avoided at all costs and is one of the most common reasons for tooth fall.

People should avoid chewy stuff like nuts, and hard candies are one of the leading causes of this dental emergency. And remember, don’t chew ice!

6. Caffeinated Foods & Drinks

Caffeine isn’t suitable for several purposes. It can stain teeth, cause a condition of dry mouth, and lead to enamel erosion. Stay away from excessive consumption of coffee, tea, and other similar caffeinated products.

7. Alcohol

We have known the ill effects of alcohol for years now. Regular drinking habits can lead to dry mouth, which increases the risk of oral infections and gum disease. Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to oral cancer. 

What Should you Eat for a Healthy Dental Set?

A well-balanced diet is recognized by two main features: variety and quantity. People should always go for diets having all the four significant food groups and forget fat or lazy diets, as they can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

  1. Foods containing calcium – Dairy items like cheese, yoghurt and milk, leafy green vegetables, and almonds help protect and rebuild tooth enamel.
  2. Foods rich in protein – Meat, poultry, legumes and fish provide your body with essential nutrition crucial for maintaining strong teeth.
  3. Fruits and vegetables- They contain natural vitamins and minerals and work hard to protect our dental set from decay by neutralizing acids and reducing food particles on your teeth.
  4. Water- Water naturally detoxes your body, the plain, simple water hydrates your body and maintains overall health, making it the most tooth-friendly beverage out there!

The Impact of Dental Diseases on Our Life 

Despite the low mortality rate linked to dental diseases, they greatly affect self-esteem, eating ability, nutrition, and health both in childhood and older age. 

Taking care of your teeth after getting tooth extraction or when you are in the restoration phase is also highly important. In addition to timely dental visits and regular deep dental cleaning, consuming nutritious food is a must.

Eating a good nutritious, balanced diet not only helps with good and strong teeth but overall oral health.

Dental diseases may not seem harmful in their first stages, but they can be distressing and painful and in some cases may even lead to tooth extraction. For maintaining oral health, regular visits to the dentists are a necessity.

Doing deep dental cleaning in Denver along with eating healthy is the ultimate key to having a million-dollar smile that can melt any heart away.

Visit Knfdds for your dental checkup and other oral concerns. Book your seat today and get exciting offers on our Dental Services in Denver, Colorado.

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